Monday, January 13, 2025

chillin' with my SNOWmies

 I've gotten to wear THIS shirt a lot recently because we've had some great snow!

(It says 'Chillin' with my snowmies' and yes, I know there's a way to flip the image.  
No, I don't know how to do it!)


We got nearly 14 inches and it's stayed cold enough for the snow to hang around.

We had no mail delivery for days and we were under a travel advisory at least twice, so we've been hunkered down at home.  Besides regular work, I finished a 2000 piece puzzle (started mid-December):

...and we celebrated National Bean Day.  Before January 1st, I decided to select two random fun holidays per month to celebrate instead of the usual ones (well, we're probably still celebrate those too!).  National Bean Day was our first and it was so much fun!  So many random bean songs...Mr. Bean video clips...bean facts...and something that truly shocked me, an absolutely delicious black bean brownie recipe.  

I don't like beans, but somehow this recipe that has no eggs, no butter, no oil (I substituted pumpkin puree instead), no flour, and almost no processed sugar (other than the chocolate chips) was so delicious that I've been thinking about it ever since we finished the batch.  I used her healthy chocolate frosting recipe and it was TO DIE FOR.  One frosted brownie is about 225 calories per serving but really nutritious.  I think I'm going to make another batch next week!  :)  

Otherwise, we've been playing games and snuggling with cats.

Hoping that the snow is going to stick around a while.

Have a great week!  

Monday, December 16, 2024

our carefree retiree

It's almost Christmas!

Our mailman is kind of a saint, carrying our business packages every day, so I always like to bake him something around this time.  This year, I made fudge (for the first time!).  It was much easier than I expected.  It sliced like a dream...

...and packaged nicely.

I also made gingerbread cookies with maple glaze...

I love packaging this stuff up! 

We managed to squeeze in a Christmas play during this busy time, too!

A Christmas Carol

It's been cold, and the birds are still raiding the feeders.  The cats are riveted.

Well, most of them.

Strangely, Claudia has become unwilling to spend much time outside.  In the past, she was completely unbothered by ice and snow...

...and was grumbly when we forced her to come inside when the temperature dipped too much.  Even with a foot of snow outside, she wanted to be out there in it.  

"So what if the snow is almost over my head!?!"

Now, she doesn't want to be outside at all.  Even on 50 degree days, she sits on the barn doorstep and scratches piteously until Todd lets her in.  She spends most of the time asleep in an old chair.

I mean, when she's not snugged up against my foot at my barn work station.  It makes it kind of hard to move around, but I don't mind!

She's quite the elderly lady now, and I think she's pretty sensitive to the cold.  It's not ideal to have a cat living amongst our merchandise (hair, litter box, etc.), but I'm hopeful that we can work something out for her.  She's been a hard worker and deserves a cozy retirement!

Meanwhile, our boys are still pretty spry and keeping us on our toes.

I've been able to observe the beautiful sunrises lately...

...but you may have noticed that I haven't been posting many nature shots.  The fact is, my Achilles tendon is still pretty painful, and I have not worked out or walked in well over a month.  I've tried resting it, and now I'm trying massage and physical therapy.  Walking for more than 15 minutes is pretty excruciating, so unless I can see it around the yard...

interesting mystery fungus by the pond

bird nest revealed when our maple tree shed its leaves

mysterious scrapes in the ice on front pond

...I'm not photographing it.  I'm working on tendon strengthening over the next two weeks and I'm hoping that by the new year, I'll be able to take some gentle walks...fingers crossed.

Have a great week!  

Monday, December 9, 2024

fox stalks (a semi rhyme?)

 We've moved smoothly into colder weather.  We've had some snow flurries...

Ominously, bird and cat tracks crossing!

a rabbit on the sidewalk

tracks on the frozen pond

Birds are rapidly emptying the feeders...

...and generally trying to stay warm.

Both kittens have an observation perch.

(More concerned citizens...)

After the melt, Todd had to check a potential roof leak in the barn (it was only condensation from the HVAC with sudden increased usage).

Claudia has had a few moments of fresh air...

...but she's mostly been in the warm barn.  It's too cold outside for elderly ladies!

My birthday weather didn't top 26 degrees, but we still managed to be out and about for a few hours.  As usual, I made my own birthday cake...a healthy chocolate pumpkin brownie with cream cheese frosting.  I saved the calories for the tortilla chips with my tex-mex lunch!

We've had beautiful sunrises...

...and so much activity on the trail cams.



A coyote pair!

And so many rabbits, deer, and raccoons.  I'm glad to see them all looking pretty fat and active!

Meanwhile, when not working, I've been knitting, or frantically trying to get Christmas decorating/cards/gifts coordinated, or finishing puzzles in quiet moments.

I just started a 2,000 piece jungle scene that I absolutely love.  I'm looking forward to more of those quiet moments in the next couple of weeks...hopefully!

Have a great week!  

Monday, December 2, 2024

merry berries

 Before our recent below-freezing cold snap...

new calendula bloom opening up flowers continued to behave irrationally.

mint and euphorbia

Everything, up until a few days ago, was so green and even showing new growth!

butterfly bush

The morning glory vines were covered with new flowers.


We may have lost the green this week...but we still have plenty of red.

Berries, berries everywhere!

Even a few red leaves, too.

It's much too cold for Claudia outside.  We've moved her into the temperature-controlled barn for the week.

In past years, she was always eager to get back outside, no matter how cold it was.  But in her old age, she prefers to snuggle in a warm bed indoors.

Meanwhile, I finally completed a little project that's been a procrastination point this past six weeks.  I bought a skiing fox Christmas ornament.  Cute fox, ugly brown coat.  What a missed opportunity for something cheerful!

I cut off the coat...

...and just freehanded a little knitted project that took less than an hour, start to finish.  I knitted a piece of fabric to roughly match the size of his previous coat.  I decided that I'd rather have a fun blue bathrobe!  A frilly collar peeking out completed the look.

That's more like it!  Now he's ready for Christmas!  :)  

Have a great week!