Monday, September 16, 2024

Review Part Two

Covid has been a lingering situation for me in the past week.  I don't feel that bad, but I'm tired and lightheaded.  Congestion has been heavy, too.  I haven't felt like doing much, other than reading (I finished 5 books) and occasionally knitting.  I finally went back to my morning exercise today and it feels so good to be on the tail end of this sickness!  

More years in review for Septembers past...2020 to 2023.

A few late-season flowers still looking great!

Harvest time!

Quilts are out...

...and cozy knitting projects.

All in all, signs of a changing season...

I will admit to a certain amount of grumpiness this year, though, that I can't attribute to being sick.  Normally September is rainy and cool, but we haven't had a drop of rain all month.  It's been wiltingly hot, 90 degrees for the past week...90 degrees today...and 90 degrees daily for the next week with no abatement in sight.  I'm so excited for fall and cooler weather, and it feels like summer has lasted for so long (even though it's been a fairly moderate, nice summer).  I throw open the windows in the morning to catch the fresh air, dramatically sighing when they have to be closed up for the air conditioning.  I have a bad attitude, and I don't care.  BRING ON FALL!!!   Surely by October...right?

Have a great week!  

Sunday, September 8, 2024

years in review

I am sadly remiss in posting lately!  We had an unpleasant stretch of upper-90s temperatures that basically kept me inside for several days, unwilling to go outside and play with my new camera.  Then we went to Atlanta for a long weekend.  The day we got home, there was a dental emergency that took up a day...then Todd came down with a fever.  He's been sick for several days, and I came down with a milder version a day or so ago.  We're both still sick, huddled in our blankets and watching endless episodes of "Law & Order." photography, no posts.  I like to keep to a schedule, though, so I thought I'd post some of my favorite September photos from years past.  It's currently 43 degrees, and despite my illness I've got the windows open so the fresh air can pour in.  It's going to be back in the 90s soon, but I can sense a change in the air...summer will be over soon!  

2017...still in South Carolina.


Scrabble by the pond

our pond beavers

local farm we liked to visit

fall baking begins!

...and fall knitting.

2018, first year back in Indiana...

hiking at Porter-West

playing with fabric...

...getting excited about fall.  


back field buck

attending the local hot air balloon festival

apples from our tree, harmless sooty spots

Claudia enjoying late-season flowers

September sky...

more knitting

favorite sky-high apple pie

I love looking at these old photos, but I'm really hopeful that I'll feel well enough...and get caught up with work enough to get some good photos for 2024.  Have a great week!