Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Not-So-Long Con (vention)

Todd and I haven't done very many local toy shows, mainly setting up a booth at Star Wars Celebration every 2 years.  But when he heard that a toy show was happening about 10 minutes from where we live, he couldn't resist.

Even for a small show, setup takes a couple of hours.

I was surprised to see a that a line had formed outside before the expo opened.  It's hard to predict what the interest will be, but this one had a pretty healthy attendance!

It was nice and steady all day!  I loved seeing the costumes...

I always get a kick out of seeing fan-worn sci-fi merchandise at toy shows.  My favorite from this one:  a U.S.S. Nostromo hat (for non-Alien fans, the Nostromo was the beleaguered ship in the movie).  I also made a mental note to purchase a Always Eat Hole Foods tank top featuring a donut that I saw a little girl wearing.

For an introvert who despises crowds and gets worn down by noise very easily, toy shows are pretty exhausting.  You have the early morning set-up, the long day of conversation and interactions, and then a lengthy tear down at the end of the day.

These smaller shows are a lot easier.  The flow of customers is steady and not an overwhelming clamor, like at the big shows.  Todd and I had plenty of time to chit chat and people watch.  Still, I was pretty tired by the end.

Todd, of course, loves it.  Happy place!

Speaking of happy place...

...the cats are still loving their recent acquisitions.  I had been worried that they'd be affected by the dramatic change in space and windows from our old house to the temporary apartment, but they're adjusting without any problems!  I guess I can shelve my plans to turn our 2nd bedroom into a cat paradise.  

I've been slowly getting back into classes with my wrapped knee, but I haven't wanted to push it by adding lengthy night walks.  One more week and I should be totally back to normal.  Fingers crossed.

Have a great week!

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