Tuesday, February 11, 2020

[winter s-]Oh, Yeah!

While cats stayed warm and cozy this past week...

...I got to work on a major project - winter sowing.  First, I drilled holes in the tops and bottoms of 57 one-pound plastic tubs of spinach.  Yes...57.

I mixed together potting soil, peat moss, and perlite in my wheelbarrow.  The latter two improve soil drainage, which keeps seeds from rotting.

I dampened the soil mixture and then started planting.  It took an afternoon to fill 26 of the plastic tubs with seeds, also adding a plastic marker for identification.  Then I set them on the ground next to the barn.  Todd later added some concrete blocks to keep them from blowing away.

These are tiny mini greenhouses.  They will get wet, and they'll freeze.  They'll warm up on sunny days.  Eventually, the temperature will rise enough to cause germination.  Once I start seeing green, I'll take off the lids and let them get some air.  As soon as the ground is warm enough to work, I'll start planting...probably in late March or early April.  I could get up to 300 flower seedlings from this group!  I ran out of soil before I could fill the rest of the containers, but most of the remaining flowers are so easy - cosmos, zinnias, marigolds, and sunflowers - that I don't need to bother with this method. I can plant the seeds right in the ground and they'll come up.

I got these done just in time...

...because a crazy snowstorm whipped up this week.

I took a quick video.  The flakes were falling thick and fast!

Just like the week before, though, the snow was completely melted in a few hours.  So strange.

Inspired by some of the quilts at my local quilt guild meeting...

...I spent quite a bit of time working on small sewing project this week, despite the fact that my shoulder and neck have been unusually sore.  I lightly quilted a baby quilt, using the Alice and Wonderland fabric I mentioned a week or so ago.

It's a simple half square triangle quilt.  I'm attaching a mustard-colored binding for a nice contrast, which I'll hopefully get done next week.  Bosewichte was a huge help, as usual.

I'll post a picture once it's done.  I also cut up fabric and made half square triangles for another quilt...

...that I'll probably do in an old-fashioned pinwheel style.

Annoyingly, I ran into a wall with my yellow log cabin quilt, but at least I learned a valuable lesson.  I ran out of the white fabric I'd been using to construct my blocks and needed to order more.  However, I wasn't quite sure which white I'd started with.  I always use Kona Cotton...so I ordered a yard of Kona Cotton White.  It's hard to tell from the picture, but White is a much brighter and cleaner color than what I need.

Must be Snow, I reasoned.  So I ordered several yards of it...and discovered that I was even further off.  Snow is more of an off white, like french vanilla ice cream. 

It's all right...I'm going to pair all of those yards of Kona Cotton Snow with this bundle lot I ordered recently.  Most beautiful pastel colors ever!  This quick iPhone photo doesn't do it justice.

This is the quilt that I'm going to make.  Isn't it gorgeous?

In other sewing news, I made a couple of tiny squares for practice.  Note to self:  tiny squares are awfully fiddly...

...but really are a great way to use up little fabric bits that are too endearing to throw away!  Saving every little 1" scrap...I think that's how every impressive hoarder begins, right?

Have a great week!

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