Monday, October 12, 2020

frost tossed

 First frost!!

I love watching the steam rise from the back pond and fields on cold mornings.

What a difference a week makes.  One single frost completely shocked the trees out of their complacency.  Here are some befores and afters, just 4 or 5 days apart!

The solitary frost was followed by a series of warm days, but the warmth wasn't enough to salvage my poor herb garden, which turned to complete mush after the frost.  My zinnias were seriously blighted too. I've collected frost-bitten flower heads, dried them, and am now trying to sprout selected seeds in plastic bags to determine viability.

Nasturtiums are slowly going to seed.  I love these tiny "pumpkins" on thin, curly stems!

I'm drying my few remaining sunflowers inside to protect them from the birds, who are still quite plentiful.

Here they are, watching from a safe distance and waiting for "the intruder" to leave their dinner table!

Working in the garden and slowly cutting it down for winter, I still see so many visitors.  Some good...

...and others somewhat less welcome.  Hopefully good fences will take care of these deer!

Claudia is too preoccupied with our fall decor to be much of a deer deterrent these days.

We took a drive to Eagle Creek Park this weekend for a hike.  I've said many times that there's nothing like South Carolina in the spring, and Indiana in the fall!  It has the three Bs.



...and beautiful colors!

These colors are so inspiring and I see them repeated over and over in my textile projects:

It's good to know what you like.  :)

Have a great week!  

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