Monday, August 16, 2021

back to buzz-ness

 The title is a bit of a cringe, but says it all:  we're home from our travels and focusing on things around here, which includes a whole lot of buzzing.

It's the time of year when insects are EVERYWHERE:  bees and butterflies are frantically working the flowers...

...competing with hummingbirds for the nectar.

It seems like every flower peered into houses a little guest.

Insects have to share a space with our voracious birds.  Whole flocks of goldfinches rise, scolding, from our beds if disturbed.  All local feeders are empty - a DNR directive, as scientists are attempting to discover what's causing a wave of bird deaths, and are discouraging the congregating of birds at feeders - so they're making the most of our flowers.

Birds who don't eat seeds are eating well here, too.  A Great Blue Heron hunts daily in our front pond.  They are quite skittish, and sometimes it's only by seeing their reflection in the water do we know that they are there.

It takes patience to wait for them to reveal themselves.

Small fish and frogs, which they love, can all be found here.

Signs of fall are everywhere!  Care has to be taken when bringing in flowers this time of year, because spiders are marching, mating, and making egg sacs.  Thankfully I discovered this one before it hatched!  Peeking inside, you can see the eggs.

Speaking of babies, our local turkeys are still making a daily trek through our back fields with their poults.  A normal turkey clutch can contain up to 17 eggs, and as few as 9, which is the number of poults in this little family.

Mosquitoes, too, are laying now for fall.  I noticed mosquito larvae in the bucket with our tadpoles.

They are pretty distinctive.

Tadpoles do not eat mosquito larvae, so I had to sprinkle in mosquito dunks - a bacterial attack, which will only kill mosquitoes.  Sure enough, the larvae were gone in a few days!

Deer stop by daily to eat the immature apples that drop from our tree.

This sweet bounty means that, for the most part, they leave our garden alone.  

Our late-summer sunflowers are growing well...

...and I'm still making bouquets.

Tabitha focuses on making peace with this little encroachment upon her space.

Seed gathering and flower drying continue as weather permits.  The season marches on!

Have a great week!

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