Monday, October 24, 2022

bread, bees, and colorful trees

Looks like we've got another mouth to feed!

This little guy comes every single night.  Claudia always leaves some kibble in the bowl...I like to think that she's intentionally being kind.

You know that I absolutely love possums, and we've already bumped up our cat food distribution so that he can fatten up a little before winter.  Todd is leaving vegetable scraps out by the barn for our groundhog, too.  Robert Lawson's Rabbit Hill was one of my favorite books as a child, and I love knowing that we're creating our own little sanctuary here!

Because of our crazy warm temperatures, there are other creatures around.  I'm hearing frogs again!  In October!  And I pulled this little guy out of Barnabas' mouth last week.  He must've come in on a flower.

Maybe one of these?  I present to you...the Last Bouquet.

It feels strange - and wonderful - to still be picking flowers less than two weeks from November.  Well, this is truly the last, because we had a hard frost the day after I picked these, and the garden finally wilted.  But I still have these beauties in the kitchen!

More kitchen beauties...I love making hearty soups and stews in the fall, and nothing tops them off like a loaf of homemade bread.  So good!  Easy, too.  It's better if you can let the dough sit overnight, but as long as it has a (combined) 2-3 hour rise, it will be good.  

We're still having gorgeous sunrises...

...and so much fall color.

It's a bit hectic around the house right now because we're having our floors replaced this week - which means that almost every piece of furniture needs to be disassembled and moved.  Calliope is enjoying one last nap in the cat chair...

...and the kittens are letting us know that removing this "cat perch" from in front of their favorite window is not an option.

They were especially thankful for the booster seat this weekend, because our street is on the Hilly Hundred route.  The Hilly Hundred is a yearly bicycling event that attracts over 2,000 cyclists!  

We normally don't get much traffic here, but there's a lot of road work going on and we're on a detour route.  Listening to the cyclists call, "Car!  Car!" each time one passed reminded me of a certain Gilmore Girls episode.  I had to laugh!  

Deep breath as we gear up for days of penned-in grumpy cats, construction workers, furniture moving, AND the home stretch of our yearly Halloween marathon.

Twilight Zone's "The Mask" - one of the best!

Have a great week!  

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