It's hard to believe that it's already June! The absolute best month in the garden.
The yellows are EXPLODING.
I've got yellow loosestrife planted in the front garden, too, and it's just so cheerful!
I'm absolutely thrilled with how this back garden has filled in...and my bee balm and over 75 coneflowers haven't even started blooming yet!
There are at least two song sparrows nesting either in the garden or on the porch, and they sing cheerfully just a few yards away from where I'm working, every single day!
Speaking of nests, earlier this week I found the bluebird house on the ground and all of the eggs but one, gone. It could've been Claudia. It's true that feral cats are a menace to songbirds...but it also could've been the Eastern milk snake, who was living in the compost pile nearby. Sadly, I picked up the nesting box and put it back on another post, planning to secure it with a board later. That same day, I noticed bluebirds going in and out of it again, and every day after. Had the female laid another clutch of eggs so soon?! Yesterday, I found the box on the ground
again. I peeked baby bird, still alive! I put the box back on the post. I was gratified to see the bluebirds continuing to come and go, taking care of the baby. If that flimsy box will just stay together for another week or so...

Meanwhile, progress on the plowed garden. Todd shoveled paths between the rows...
...then drip tape went down, three strips per row.
Now we just need to connect the system and lay out the landscape fabric. It's not a moment too soon. Despite the fact that we've had ZERO RAIN for nearly a month, weeds are starting to pop up in the newly-plowed soil. At least I got my vines in the ground and my pumpkins planted...only 22 seeds this time, half as many as last year.
My corn is doing well...
...but the same day I planted 16 specialty tomato plants, they were absolutely destroyed by groundhogs, deer, rabbits, or all three. Todd is building a cattle panel/chicken wire triangle for protection...thankfully, I've got about 12 plants left, plenty for us. The peppers and herbs are ready for planting, and every day I plant another tray of seeds.
They need to get a bit larger/stronger before they're ready to be popped in the garden, but some are definitely ready now! And I have hundreds of sunflower seeds to plant. The heat is supposed to break for a few days this week and I'm hoping to get a lot done.
Still finding time to pick bouquets...
...and keep an eye out for other garden inhabitants.
Even though they act like it sometimes, our indoor cats are not being neglected! Barnabas has no trouble letting the guilt flow over his empty food bowl...
...and everyone is enjoying frequent cozy naps on their heated pads.
It will be nice when the garden is done and Todd and I can have some down time, too!
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