Tuesday, August 6, 2024

hobble wobble

Recently, I've experienced a perfect storm for photography-quashing.  Our mild summer temperatures shot up, so we've got the normal excruciating heat + high humidity that keeps me inside the house as much as possible.  Additionally, I developed a soul-crushing case of plantar fasciitis that had me barely able to walk (thankfully, I'm hobbling around a bit better now after a week of ice and stretches).  If those combined things weren't enough, I was gamely out taking photos last week and suddenly...the black bar of death.

My camera shutter shattered.  It can be repaired, but it's probably best to just buy a new camera.  So, as I wade through recommendations and technical details, no new pictures.  I have to rely on the backlog from the past few weeks.  Thankfully, there's a lot.  

A common theme over the past month...so many butterflies!


So many rabbits.

Goldfinches everywhere.

The cutting garden is blazing with color!  I haven't gotten many photos of it, but...

Insects abound.


spiny-backed orb weaver (technically not an insect, but...)

bees are busy!

walnut sphinx moth

twice-stabbed stink bug

green stink bug nymph

Inside, cats are being cats. 

Still not allowed on the dining room table...

new toy

Todd is still working in the yard.

setting up tomato enclosure earlier this summer

burning weeds after a quick downpour

The summer is passing quickly!  We just celebrated our 16th anniversary...


...and our anniversary means that summer is on its way out.  I purposefully chose August for our wedding because August is my least favorite month and I wanted to have something to celebrate!  August in Indiana is always hot, humid, and dry.  But it's only three weeks until September! Now September...I love September.

I am impatiently waiting.

Have a great week!

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