The snow lasted! Beautiful glittery snow...
I love seeing everything snow-covered...
male cardinal
Still, it was a rough week. The temperatures dropped to single digits, and both Todd and I got sick with bad colds. We had to miss an eat-along viewing of 1971's Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory at the local theatre - a major disappointment. At least we both felt well enough on Sunday to watch a Civil War reenactment at Spring Mill State Park. Guns were blazing!
Bayonet charge!
You'll notice that for the sake of historical accuracy, several of the soldiers were barefoot (in the snow!). They all had to laboriously re-load their muskets after a single shot, too. It was agonizingly slow. I couldn't imagine that inefficiency in a real-life battle!
Other than that little outing, life around our house has been very...very...slow this week.
Sleepy cats, sleepy us. But now we're both better, and the weather is warming up a bit. Hopefully we can get back outside again soon. Have a great week!