My computer is still not back from the repair shop, and I've got well over 1,000 photos on my camera from the past few weeks. I broke down and uploaded some of them onto Todd's computer. It's hard to believe that just over two weeks ago, we had snow on the ground!

But spring came rushing in, and...summer? It's going to be 91 degrees this week! The windows have all been thrown open. Tabitha spends her days on the windowsill, nose tilted into the breeze.

She's got some company there!

All at once, my crocuses came up.

The sudden heat shriveled them, but for a while, they were majestic.

love crocuses.

My daffodils are blooming, too!

Weeks early, purple, pearly lilac buds are pushing through their enclosing green leaves.

All the hydrangeas are budding out.

Tulips are everywhere!

The mild winter means a surplus of insects this summer. This young mosquito must've hatched out recently. He's a young male - note the feathery antennae.

I ordered a little treat for myself to celebrate the warm days. It came two weeks ago.

The little brown package was tied up with string and accented with a little acorn...felted wool body and a little acorn hat! So cute!

Voila! Naturally-dyed, wool roving-covered rocks...embroidered with some of my favorite flowers. Morning glories, asters, and lilies of the valley were flowers that my grandmother grew in our little garden. I love having them around...they're so cheery.

I found a long wooden bowl at Goodwill ($2!) and stuffed them with moss. I carefully laid the rocks on top. Ahhhh...spring!

On a beautiful spring day recently, we were invited to attend a baptism. I couldn't resist making more cookies. More roses...


Perfect for the late-morning brunch!

I've become a total cookie addict this year!

Only about 1/3 of my photos uploaded on Todd's didn't take me long to fill up his hard drive! So most of my photos aren't available. But I was glad that the following ones did. Our business, Toy Chamber Collectibles, hit a real milestone! One morning, we were just a little eBay business with a 9,999 feedback score.

The next, 10,000! Woo hoo! Now we're members of the 'shooting star' club! :)

Hope you have a great week!
Beautiful pics. Here in Portland we're still in the winter of life. We only got a little tease of spring. So these flowers are a nice . . . dream at this point
ReplyDeleteWe are dreaming of COOLER weather here! We've had record-breaking heat all week and up to the mid-90s by tomorrow! It's pretty crazy!