I finally got my computer back, and just in time...I had close to 2,000 photos to upload from the past three weeks! Spring has truly sprung around here and I've been busy trying to capture everything.
I love to bring spring indoors as much as I can. I found this cork board at Goodwill for $1.99. I pinned some of my favorite green shades on it, with a few browns and a pop of red. It has a place in a tight corner of the living room that can't handle too much activity. I love it!

I bought this glass cookie jar at Walmart for $9. I put some moss and twigs inside to make an impromptu terrarium. I'll add to it throughout the season as time and resources permit.

I tried my hand at forcing for the first time this year and I've been really pleased with the results! I placed small branches from various types of trees and bushes into small glass containers...and they budded out in no time!

A great example is this Bradford Pear branch. When I put it in water, the buds were tightly closed.

After a few days, they opened up!

They're so lovely!

I've probably said it before, but I don't think anyone loves bouquets as much as I do. I've had a steady stream of store-bought tulips in vases while I wait impatiently for my own tulips to bloom.

Our yard was full of crocuses and snowdrops...

...so I picked some to put in tiny, delicate vases.

We've got lots of daffodils, so they come in regularly...

I love to put them in our sunroom, where the outside light really shows nicely through their petals.

I always have lots of mystery weeds with tiny flowers in the springtime. I frequently bring them in, too. Just because they're "weeds" doesn't mean that I can't enjoy the spiny green stems and tiny white flowers!

I'm crazy for grape hyacinth and have big mounds of them growing everywhere in the spring.

Their dainty shape and amazing blue-purple color never fails to delight!

The aforementioned bouquets are not nearly enough! I also bring home bouquets from the grocery store, usually clearanced down to around $5 each. This one has a nice variety of flowers in it...

...including a funny little ornamental cabbage!

I love these flowers and their bright faces.

I love their cheerful colors and their ruffled petals.

This bouquet is simple, just two colors, but I think they're very attractive together.

More bright faces!

Our viburnum bushes are blooming, so bouquets of their fragrant pink-tinged flowers are scattered all around the house, too.

I love their little flowers...

...and their beautiful colors!

All in all, I think we've got about 15 bouquets, big and small, scattered around...and I didn't actually spend more than $7. The rest came from the yard. Ahhhh...I love spring!

Hope you have a great week!
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