Tuesday, July 31, 2018

bat wings and cat things

We had a delightful little visitor at the apartment last week...a little brown bat!

Myotis lucifugus eats half of their body weight in insects a night so really great to have around.

I was curious about the etymology of the name. Myotis means 'mouse eared,' and lucifugus is a combination of two latin words that mean, literally, he who flees from the light.  I think I just found my next pet name!  :) 

We've gone on a few hikes this past week, seeing more bag worms...


...and caterpillars (this is Spilosoma virginica, the Virginia tiger moth caterpillar)...

...but we don't have to go into the woods to see nature.  We see plenty at the Indiana University campus!  I lost track of how many rabbits we saw there this week.

We both agree that it's the most beautiful campus we've been to.  So many wonderful walking trails...

...beautiful buildings...

...and nice landscaping.

It has certainly welcomed us home!

Downtown is so pretty at night.

The cats are certainly making themselves at home...

...and Borga, too, is learning the ropes!

Have a great week!

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