Monday, March 4, 2019

hair today, gone tomorrow

One year ago, we were experiencing our last South Carolina spring.  The magnolias were blooming...

Peonies were shooting up, all bulbs were flowering, redbuds showing color...

...our front azaleas were really getting into the spirit of things, too.

This morning in Indiana, however, it was 6 degrees when I got up at 5 a.m. to work out.  Snow, snow, snow.

I still love it.  I love my sweaters, my cozy quilts, my knitted socks.  But I'm growing a little weary of 5 a.m. window scrapes and frigid dashes from my car in yoga pants, so I will admit to a certain excitement about the coming spring.  And I saw my first sign of it this weekend!

This is only the beginning.  When South Carolina me was burned out on heat by June, we'll just be getting started here in Indiana.  I'm looking forward to the change of season.  And I'm still loving those amazing sunrises...different every day!

In the frigid temps, I'm less likely to be out on the trails than I would be in early winter.  Instead, to alleviate the stress of the home-buying process (details to follow if inspection goes well!) and to reward myself for my patience, I've been shopping.  I've picked up a few things that I'm pretty excited about!

First, a vintage marigold-colored rain coat from the '70s.  I paid $9 for it, but I would've paid a whole lot more.  I love the color and the swingy vintage fit. 

I picked up this wooden tray with little ceramic dishes at a flea market.  The tray can be stained, and wheat grass planted in the little containers.  It grows like crazy and it's a really fun thing to keep as a centerpiece on a seasonal table.

Later, they can be used for shallow-rooted plants like succulents.  Two bucks!

I also treated myself to a fabric splurge.  Tilda is a Norwegian fabric company that make some pretty amazing lines.  Alas, I missed out on some of their earlier fabrics, since I wasn't sewing when they were released and lines tend to not be re-released after initial production.  This is Spring Lake ( dreamy...):

...and these are Cabbage Rose and Memory Lane pre-cut packs.  Nice cheerful colors!

I bought several fat quarters from their Apple Butter line.  Note the mustard color in the favorite! 

I think it will be so beautiful with cream-colored fabric. I can't wait to break out my machine!

A month or so ago, I asked Todd to grow a beard.  I was just curious what he'd look like with one.  After a while, it got a little bushy...he didn't like it and I didn't either.  He shaved it off, but not without me taking photos of the progression.  Note to self:  a mustache is never, ever an option!  Option #2, what I call "The Commander Riker" (from Star Trek), is my choice.  But I think he might be bare-faced until next winter! 

We're both really busy in these early spring days, preparing for an upcoming toy show and going through the preliminary stages of a real estate purchase.  Hopefully we'll have some great news about a farm property soon. 

Have a great week! 

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