Monday, June 10, 2019

Fluffle Kerfuffle

The red-wing blackbird babies are gaining independence and feeling adventurous...

...sometimes.  They come to our front feeder at least three times a day and bawl piteously to be fed, wings flailing and mouths agape.  They are loud

 We've also enjoyed discovering a fluffle (I'm happy to learn that delightfully apt word for a group of rabbits) out by the back barns!  I've seen up to six rabbits hopping around back there...

...or making their leave, especially if I've come too close and spooked them.

We've been back in the barn area a lot, working.  The gravel is down...

...and Todd and I worked together for hours, clearing chin-high weeds away from the chicken coop with a scythe I helpfully named Slythe (of Thundercats fame).   

Ugh, it's awful!  The coop predates the house by at least 50 years.  We burned an old doghouse, brush, and tree limbs, and that coop is next on the list.  What an eyesore! 

At least we had company (a red-bellied woodpecker!) while we worked.

I'm also happy to note that a nesting pair of indigo buntings are occupying our back space.  They have the most beautiful song

Another happy discovery:  wild honeysuckle.  Yes, it's invasive.  But since it's well out of reach in the middle of a huge briar patch, I figured I'd just clip the edges and enjoy.

Honeysuckle vine lasts for several days in a vase, and once it starts to droop, it's easy to replace with more tendrils from the yard!

Our front field is full of ox-eye daisies.  I decided to dig up about 30 of them to transplant in the front flower bed.

They're perennial so I hope they take off.  Meanwhile, other things have been blooming.

There are lots of 'rules' about flowerbeds, like height and texture considerations, and color...never plant pink and orange together, for example.

I'm not much of a planner, though, when it comes to flowers.  I plant things where they fit, and if I don't like them, I dig them up and put them somewhere else.  Easy!  

Inside the house, Todd is still working away on the floor upstairs, and the cats are still least during their waking hours.

Have a great week!

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