Monday, March 23, 2020

put one foot in front of the other...

Beautiful fog this week.

Amazing new life in the garden...I love to see green growth coming up out of the tangle of dead leaves.

Hello, old friends:  columbines and hostas.

Hello, bleeding hearts.

I bought a bunch of .25 bulbs at Walmart a few weeks ago and have planted them successively.  These blue irises, of course...

...but also these pretty little things, reminiscent of muscari, although I can't recall the name in the moment.

It was St. Patrick's Day last week, so besides the rainbow cookies, I baked some soda bread...and also made corned beef, cabbage, carrots and potatoes, and sprouts.

Tabitha approved.

I decorated with green banners and window clings.

We had a nice little party!  It's important to keep doing certain things, I think.  I try to do the things I normally do - celebrate holidays, plant spring bulbs, and enjoy the new growth - but I'm not fully present in the moment.  I suffer from anxiety on a good day - during these uncertain times, I'm really struggling with panic.  I know people who are sick with the virus.  I know people who have lost their jobs.  I go online for news and updates, but get frustrated with the (typical) lack of national leadership and the conflicting messages.  I get on Facebook to see how acquaintances are doing, and see a lot of the usual jumble of misinformation ("We enjoyed movie theatres too much, so God removed movie theatres!!"  "It's just the flu, people.  Calm down." "Stock up on your essential oils!  They help!!").  I'm also seeing a lot of positive things - people bonding with their families, playing games, hugging pets, sharing with neighbors.  It helps.

Personally, we're staying home.  We're working a lot.  We're reading.  We're watching a lot of distracting T.V. - and we are not necessarily practicing social distancing!

I'm just trying to enjoy the little things, keep our traditions going, and take a lot of deep breaths.

I think the British had it right during World War II:  "Keep Calm and [try to] Carry On." So I'm going to knit, sew, read, work, garden, watch trash T.V., and hope that things improve over the coming weeks.

Stay healthy, friends! 

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