Monday, March 16, 2020

rainbow bright

Bosewichte had a nice treat today. 

I planted some wheatgrass earlier this week.  Cats love it and I love how "SPRING!!!" it looks.  The roots are so shallow that the seeds will grow in anything (I've even seen it grown in eggshells!).  I had a natural wood tray with some tiny ceramic inserts that were perfect.

It grows fast. After just a day...

Check it out!

I have so many things growing inside in of my favorite March traditions.

I've got bulbs potted up on the front porch, too, and delightful patches of green are poking up all over the front garden!

I checked my little greenhouses, and was rewarded with some exciting growth.

Unfortunately, the soil is too wet.  I must've added too much water when I  prepared the soil mixture.  Certainly most of the seeds will rot, and it's too cool to open the greenhouse tops to evaporate out some of that water.  But now I know for next year, and I still have plenty of seeds to direct-sow in the garden this April.

Still seeing more signs of life out on the hiking trails...

And it's nearly St. Patrick's Day!  I made a batch of my annual St. Patrick's Day cookies a few days ago.  They're easy - a batch of vanilla cookie dough, split and rainbow colored, molded into a long cookie "snake" and encased in chocolate cookie dough.

They're slice and bake.

I may have pre-sampled one. YUM.

If I can get organized in time, I will also make corned beef/cabbage and Irish soda bread, although the corned beef and cabbage combo, at least, is not really an Irish (more of an Irish-American) tradition.  It's still a fun thing to do!

It's nice to have something to focus on, because the coronavirus issue is definitely concerning.  Todd and I are lucky...we don't have kids to find childcare for, we always work from home, and our business does not tend to be affected by downturns of the economy.  We're still taking precautions...practicing a little social distancing (one of my favorite things to do, anyway)...and keeping our loved ones close!

We have families and friends that we're worried about, and are concerned about all of the hourly workers that may be facing financial hardships due to restaurant and business closings...the kids who only get a square meal in school, and now school is cancelled indefinitely...those in the tourism trades that suddenly have nothing to do...and many, many others, especially those in other countries whose lives have been completely changed by the virus.  I hope that this self-imposed semi-quarantine arrests the virus here and that life can go back to normal soon.

Stay safe, everyone!

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