I think that it's summer!
Borga is loving the fences that allow her to roam freely between the fields.
Until we can get it hired out, Todd keeps mowed paths for easy walking.
I've been roaming there, too. A small patch of multiflora roses made for a lovely outdoor bouquet!
Early mornings are perfect for rabbit frisking! They aren't deterred by the new fences.
Barn swallows are nesting in our small barn.
They are a constant presence outside, swooping overhead or twittering on the fence.
The cicadas love our new fences, too. They're perfect for clinging and molting!
We're supposed to have over 200 BILLION of these "brood x" cicadas in our county. Honestly, I've barely noticed them so far.
They make a pleasant background humming that usually dies off by noon.
I've seen plenty of butterflies and bees, and lots of ground spiders, but was really pleased to see this young male garden spider hanging out on a poppy!

This warm weather has finally brought on some plant growth. My anemones and ranuculus are in full bloom and I love them! They look like roses until they fully open up.
My Iceland poppies are in full bloom, too. They make gorgeous bouquets.
Sweet William, which can be annual, biennial, or perennial. is also blooming now. This is a biennial variety that I don't remember planting last year.
My biennial foxgloves, which bloomed last year and are supposed to be done, are blooming again. Hooray!
Not much else is happening in the annual flower garden, though, other than some wispy mystery snapdragons that were supposed to be Twinny Peach...
(photo courtesy of Swallowtail Gardens)
...but most assuredly are not. I got them in a trade, and that's always a gamble.
Still, I like them, and the more you pick, the more they bloom. That's the wonderful thing about many annuals!
Speaking of blooming, I think that Klaus is doing well here. He seems to be enjoying himself...
It's been a bit of an adjustment period with Tabitha, but so far, so good. Right now we're just trying to work with them patiently...and trying to work outside in the cool mornings before the full slam of a 90 degree day comes on...and trying to wait for the perennial bed to burst into bloom.

Oh, and trying patiently to wait for my new lens to come in. I have a zoom lens for distance, a junky "all purpose" lens that came with my camera, and a wide angle lens. My favorite, my most crisp and reliable lens that I've had for over a decade (a Canon macro lens) finally gave out (faulty connectors). I ordered a new one in April, but it's back ordered until late JUNE. It drives me crazy that many of my pictures are just slightly out of focus because I'm using the wrong lens for the job, but all I can do is wait.