Monday, September 25, 2023

shotgun overrun

 Gorgeous weather for early-morning hikes!

Unless we have free time, we usually hike in the state forest by our house.  It's pretty,'s also hunting season.

I'm not a fan of all.  Deer hunting lasts until late January, though, so we try to wear bright colors and make a lot of noise on the trails.  

It's still fairly warm (low 80s) during the day, but we're starting to get some fall color.

Even our front bushes have put on color from last week to this week.

The bushes are directly behind Todd...just a hint of color last week...

...this week...the start of brilliant red!

One of my favorite flowers is in full bloom right now - celosia.  They love the dry, they love the heat, and they'll keep right on trucking until the first frost.  So many different shapes and colors!

There's always someone hiding inside...

It's been so dry that they're going to seed early...I'm going to be sure to save as much as I can.  They are cross-pollinated, meaning that the insects carrying pollen from flower to flower will cause the seed to produce an interesting blend of colors.  If you're interested in an identical version of a flower like this, it's best to order the seed directly from a seed company!

Still plenty of insects, but cooler nights and mornings mean that bees are sleeping later and later.  

They'll be around until it gets fairly cold, but right now, they're loving the temperatures.  The resurgence of warm weather has brought out the wood ducks, too!  

Some friends brought their pup over for a hike this week.  She was happy to see the kittens...through the glass, of course!

They're usually too busy to be bothered with company.

Nice early autumn days with a little bit of baking...

apple cider muffins

...a little bit of quilting...

...and a little bit of knitting.

A nice way to ease into the season.  Have a great week!  

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