Monday, March 19, 2018

clutter flutter

It's been more hectic than usual around here lately.  We're running, running, running...

...working on home improvement projects and deep cleaning, and slowly getting rid of unwanted possessions.  It feels so good to simplify, even if it means living in a chaotic environment for a while.  Although we're busy, we always take time out to do a little hiking.  It is so invigorating to see all the new green growth!

The flowers just keep on coming!

Here on the home front, our pets remain completely unconcerned with our hustle-bustle.

They're a good reminder to indulge in necessary down time...although I won't be engaging in any twenty-hour cat naps any time soon, I am trying to be intentional about grabbing a few minutes to work on a puzzle or craft project every day.  As an HSP (highly sensitive person) I am very affected by loud noises, crowds, and especially clutter/chaos in my home environment.  So I'm trying to keep my eyes on the end result...much less clutter! 

Have a great week! 

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