Monday, November 1, 2021

with a flannel yell...

 It's happening!

As the temperatures steadily drop, we're seeing more and more gorgeous color here.  Just last week, our trees were still fairly unchanged.  The grass remains green and the sky has been more blue and cloud-filled than ever...

...but we're now getting color, color, color!

Borga loves a fall hike.

Lots to see.  Hornet nest!

Autumn-colored fungus!


At home, we're still seeing lots of creatures too.  As I sloooooowly clear out garden weeds...

I'm seeing mantis...after mantis...after mantis!

I found three mantises...and three oothecas (egg sacs) one afternoon!

Mantis eggs will be consumed by ants if left on the ground, so I carefully placed the accidentally uprooted ones into a bush.  If all goes well, we'll have plenty of these little guys around next year!

Our apples are still viable and attracting lots of attention...

...pumpkins still ripening on the vine...

...and we're not even close to needing more than a flannel shirt for outside time.  It was 63 degrees yesterday!

Fresh air, brisk walks, apple pie, color-saturated leaves, and cats in quilts...

Happy fall, y'all!  

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