Monday, June 10, 2024

A-mouse Bouche

The more rain we have, the more frogs we see.  Last week, I saw one wedged between the glass panels on our front door!

I could juuuuust see his eye through a tiny slit. 

I was worried that he wouldn't be able to get out, so I raised the glass.  He still struggled to free himself and left a little bit of froggy debris behind, but was able to successfully hop off.

Claudia, too, proved that she was back to her old self by thoughtfully providing a mouse for our supper.

The rain and cooler temperatures have been amazing...

...but even these optimum temperatures haven't ignited my passion for gardening this year.  I don't feel passion for all of my hobbies all of the time...some I lose complete interest in for years, but I always come back to them eventually.  I've been so consumed with gardening in the past, but this year I feel nothing.  Perfunctorily, I planted seeds in containers and moved them to the empty holes in the row garden, but it seems that I infected them with my apathy.  Germination has been incredibly poor and I've struggled to get even "the givens" (sunflowers, basil, marigolds) to germinate.  Things that have germinated haven't grown much.  Is it the cooler weather?  The substandard soil I was forced to use when my reliable source was out of stock?  My attitude??  Whatever it was, I was nearly ready to give up and accept a weed patch.

Then, a miracle.  The garden...self-seeded.  Two full rows and probably another full row, in sections...all filled with annuals that had grown from last year's fallen seed.

I recognize celosia, and maybe...balsam camellia?  Ageratum?

Whatever it is, I don't care.  Truthfully, I don't even know what's in the rows that I planted myself this year.  I used old plant markers on the labels, and they promptly faded.  I've just been dutifully shoving green things into available spots.  I don't think I'm going to have a big, wild garden this year, even with all spots filled.  It's going to get down into the 40s June!  Things just aren't growing well...but I don't care.  There's green, and the green isn't weeds.  Puny flowers make great bud vase bouquets.  And as soon as I get this pesky garden done (within 2 weeks?  I've had to repeatedly plant in order to get a few seedlings), I can forget it and move on to something that I really care about!  Hooray!  

Meanwhile, the perennial garden has filled in beautifully.  I keep thinking of the BEFORE picture:  

Now it's wild!

Wild blackberries/raspberries are ripening...

Every little thing is creeping or flying:

tiger moth

katydid nymph

great spangled fritillary 

Our apple tree is absolutely bursting.  A bumper crop!

Inside, a little baking...

the sandwich loaf I bake every week

cake for a friend

...and a little laziness.


Have a great week!  

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